



  • PBHA Chinatown Citizenship, 2019-2024. I have been teaching classes to aid with passing the US citizenship test.
  • Harvard-MIT Math Tournament. In 2019-2020 I was on the inaugural education committee, bringing talks to the event. In February 2021 I gave a talk on topological K-theory.
  • MIT Splash, November 2020. I co-taught a class with Ezra Erives, Ben Wu, and Jerry Zhao on continued fractions.
  • PBHA Chinatown Adventure, Summer 2020. I taught a class of middle schoolers from Boston Chinatown, following my own curriculum of math, science, English, history, and more.
  • LU Rainstorm, May 2020. I co-taught two classes with Phyllis Zhang on random walks and Markov chains.
  • MIT Splash, November 2019. I co-taught a class with Michael Diao and Vincent Huang on statistical deception.